
Article about Stepping Stones with Children
Events Research Training

We are really happy to announce the publication of an article about Stepping Stones with Children. “Building resilience to adverse childhood experiences: An assessment of the effects of the Stepping Stones with Children training programme on Tanzanian children affected by HIV and their caregivers”  Sue Holden, Vanessa LZ Gordon-Dseagu, Gill Gordon, Nelson Chiziza, Pfiriaeli Kiwia, […]

4M research poster at BHIVA Spring Conference
Events Research

We are delighted that a poster featuring research on our 4M project was selected for oral presentation, won a ‘commended’ rosette and also won the BHIVA/BASHH Mediscript 2018 award for community research. The qualitative research evaluation which the poster described was a joint team effort. It was conducted by Amelie Cameron and Longret Kwardem. Amelie […]

Global Treatment Access Review of Women living with HIV
Advocacy Research

UN Women has commissioned a global review of HIV Treatment Access for Women. December 2017: To access the Review Report, click here. December 2017: To access the Journal of Health & Human rights article about the Review Phase 2 findings, click here. This review seeks to identify key gaps related to women’s access to treatment […]

Webinar on the ALIV[H]E Framework
Events Research

A webinar to launch the ALIV[H]E Framework took place on 9 November 2017 at 1400 Geneva time. The ALIV[H]E Framework seeks to strengthen and expand the evidence base around initiatives to address VAW in the context of HIV at community level. The webinar was recorded. To read more about the ALIV[H]E Framework, click here. To […]

Research on interlinkages between VAW and HIV for UNAIDS

Salamander Trust has been collaborating in a research programme commissioned by UNAIDS to strengthen and expand the evidence base regarding community-level programmes which address violence against women in the context of HIV. In partnership with the Health Economics and HIV and AIDS Research Division (HEARD) of the University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, the AIDS […]

On the CUSP of Change
Advocacy Events Research Training

On the CUSP of Change: Effective scaling of social norms programming for gender equality Launch of the CUSP Working Group Policy Brief Today at the Sexual Violence Research Initiative Conference in Rio de Janeiro, we are delighted to have joined with partners from around the world to launch the CUSP Working Group Policy Brief. Salamander […]

Webconferencia: 24 noviembre 2015

Resultados de la Encuesta Global Hora: 13:00 (hora de Nueva York) Enlace: aqui Nos complace anunciar que hoy, 24 de noviembre de 2015 celebraremos una webconferencia en español para presentar los resultados de la Encuesta Global sobre “Valores y Preferencias sobre salud sexual y reproductiva y derechos humanos de las mujeres que viven con VIH”. […]

Integrating Strategies to Address Gender-Based Violence and Engage Men and Boys as Partners to Advance Gender Equality through National HIV Plans and Strategies
Events Research Training

Dakar, Senegal 16-19 September 2013 Welcome! This page contains resources produced by many organisations working on gender-based violence, engagement of men and boys as partners, and the meaningful involvement of women living with HIV in the context of HIV. It was developed for the participants of a workshop held in September 2013 in Dakar, hosted […]

Integrating Strategies to Address Gender-Based Violence and Engage Men and Boys to Advance Gender Equality through National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS: Istanbul, Turkey 14-16 November 2011
Events Research Training

WELCOME This page contains resources produced by many organisations working on gender-based violence, involvement of men and boys, and the meaningful involvement of women living with HIV in the context of HIV.  It was developed for the participants of a workshop held in November 2011 in Istanbul, organised by UNFPA, UNDP, UN Women, UNAIDS, and […]