Marijo Vázquez

MariJo Vázquez is Spanish and has worked as a translator, proof-reader and editor.  She loves communicating so everyday tries to improve her language skills.

After her HIV diagnosis in 1996, she trained and worked in counselling and group facilitation. She began by working in support group settings, later focusing on local and international training in gender and sexual and reproductive health andrights. She has represented the International Community of Women living with HIV/AIDS (ICW) and HIV positive women at international level, including being a delegate to the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board.  During her time as Chair of ICW (2005-2008), her focus was very much on increasing consultation, communications and accountability within ICW and its governing body.

Marijo has worked with Salamander Trust on several consultancies since 2009, including for IPPF, International Civil Society Support and WHO. She has recent experience of working in Latin America, SE Asia and the Middle East/North Africa region and she is currently involved with community competence through her work in The Constellation.