Salamander Trust Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Human Rights of Women living with HIV

Advocacy Research

BuildingASafeHouse SalamanderImageJan2015

Salamander Trust was commissioned by WHO to conduct a global values and preferences survey on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV, to inform the development of its new Guideline.

The new full 2017 Guideline on this topic from WHO can be found in English here |en español aqui | по русски тут | en français ici | em português aqui.

The Executive Summary of the 2017 Guideline on this topic from WHO can be found in English here | en español aqui | en français ici. | Portuguese | Russian | Arabic.

Our ‘Building a Safe House’ survey report, which informed this Guideline, can be found here.

Scroll down to December 2015 to find two JIAS articles about gender-based violence and mental health respectively.

To view articles about the methodology, scroll down to April 2016 and February 2016.

To see a summary of various outputs from the survey and Guideline development process, click here.

Human Rights Day – 10 December 2019

Today we are delighted to announce WHO’s publication of 4 case studies about community strategies for implementation of the WHO 2017 Guideline on the SRHR of women living with HIV. This report was compiled by Salamander Trust Associate, Sophie Dilmitis. To access this report, click here. The case studies describe the inspiring work of Svitlana Moroz, Dorothy Onyango, Cecilia Chung and L’Orangelis Thomas.

August 2019

We are thrilled that WHO has now published the Checklist to support the Guideline implementation as an official UN document. To access the Checklist click here. To read a blog about the Checklist and the process so far in the BMJ SRH Journal, click here.

December 2018

We are delighted that UNAIDS has now endorsed the Checklist to support the Guideline implementation. Edition 3 of this Checklist is no longer available, since WHO has now published it as an official UN document. See the entry above this.

July 2018

The 2nd edition of the Checklist was released. A webinar about the Guideline and Checklist on 9 July is available here.

May 2018

UNAIDS has published a webstory about the pilot workshop that it funded in Kenya, coordinated by WOFAK, to test the new Checklist. One of the key findings from the workshop was concern about high levels of discrimination in healthcare settings in Kenya. To read the webstory, click here.

April 2018

To mark World Health Day and the 70th Anniversary of WHO, together with colleagues around the world, we launched a new Generic Checklist to support women living with HIV and others to implement the new Guideline in their own country. (See above for latest edition.) To read more about this Checklist and why we all think the Guideline is so important, click here.

June and July 2017

A launch of the new Guideline took place in London, co-hosted by WHO and the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. To view a presentation from the evening, click here. To see the comments of women who formed the Global Reference Group for the Global Survey, and other colleagues, click here.

To access WHO regional webinars about the new Guideline, click on the relevant links.

WPRO/SEARO;   PAHO (English); PAHO (Spanish); African Region (English); London launch: Storify; and Comments from women living with HIV who were involved.


April 2017

To access two related articles about psycho-social support and about using GRADE as a research framework, click on the relevant links.


October 2016

A presentation about the findings, especially in relation to violence experienced by women living with HIV, was part of a WHO webinar on sexual and/or intimate partner violence in the context of HIV. This webinar took place on 17 October 2016. To access the presentation based on the WHO survey, click here.

July 2016

Just published at the International AIDS Conference in Durban. This poster highlights some of the treatment side-effects which women living with HIV experience and their effects on our sexual and reproductive health and rights.

April 2016

Just published: another article about the participatory methodology we developed for this survey. This article, in the Journal of Virus Eradication, can be found here.

In addition, in April 2016, a poster based on the UK findings from the global survey, won a joint Mediscript and Brisith HIV Association award at the British HIV Association annual conference, for the best poster for work in the field of social sciences or community-based work. This poster was presented at the conference jointly by Salamander Trust and our sister organisation, the Sophia Forum.

March 2016

A presentation was made about the Russian-language respondents’ data in March 2016 at the Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference. This can be found here.

February 2016

Just published: an article about the participatory methodology we developed for this survey. This article, in the WHO Bulletin, can be found here.

A presentation on the findings of the survey was made at a UN Women international meeting in New York. This was entitled: “Strategic Discussion on gender equality and HIV/AIDS: Putting Gender Justice at the Center of the Fast Track to End AIDS”. The presentation can be viewed here.

December 2015

Just published: 2 articles based on findings from the survey. These articles, part of a JIAS Special Supplement, are about GBV and Mental Health issues.

Also available in Spanish here: about gender-based violence; and about mental health. Many thanks to Marijo Vazquez for translating them!

Also, a blog about the key findings in openDemocracy

November 2015

Webconference in Spanish: 24 November 2015. To access the archived recording please click here. To access the report in Spanish please click here.

October 2015

Panel to present and discuss the findings at FIGO International Conference, Vancouver. Click here to see the presentation.

January 2015

Building Safe House Report Salamander Jan 2015Following a two-day stakeholders’ consultation meeting at WHO in Geneva, we have great pleasure to launch the English report of this global survey.

This report is also now available in Spanish here.

To read our statement regarding this launch, please click here.







June 2014 UPDATE

This survey is now closed. A huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to all who took part and who helped to disseminate info about the survey.

We had a total of 824 responses from women living with HIV from 94 countries around the world.

Their ages range from age 15 to 72 years old.

We will provide more information on this website soon.


May 2014

English (svp voir ci-dessous en français; por favor ver más abajo en español; Пожалуйста, Русский текст смотрите ниже; para português, por favor veja abaixo; silahkan lihat dalam Bahasa Indonesia berikut ini; 中文,请看下面)

Dear Friends

The World Health Organization (WHO) is updating its 2006 Guideline on the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Human Rights of women living with HIV (See:

Salamander Trust is consulting women living with HIV to hear our experiences and priorities. This is a community consultation, developed with a Working Group of women living with HIV from around the world including trans women. We are inviting you to take part in this global survey. There will also be a number of small face-to-face community dialogues and in-depth interviews. Your participation will help.

The survey has a required and an optional part. It is up to you how much you complete; the required section takes about 10 minutes, and the optional questions take about 30 minutes if you choose to do them all. Findings from the consultation will feed into the updated WHO Guideline.

This version of the on-line survey is in English. A Word version is available from us – or also here – for those who have limited access to the internet.

Other language versions, both on-line and in Word, will follow in a few days.

To take part in the English version of the survey, please click on this link:

You can write your replies in any language. The survey will now run until Sunday 8th June 2014.


With many thanks and very best wishes
Luisa Orza
On behalf of Salamander Trust and colleagues


Note: If you are not a woman living with HIV but would like more information about the consultation, please contact me on luisa dot orza at gmail dot com


français (por favor ver más abajo en español; Пожалуйста, Русский текст смотрите ниже; para português, por favor veja abaixo; silahkan lihat dalam Bahasa Indonesia berikut ini; 中文,请看下面)

Chères Amies,
L’organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) souhaite mettre à jour ses lignes directrices sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive et les droits humains pour les femmes vivant avec le VIH développées en 2006 (disponibles en anglais à:
Salamander Trust est en train de conduire une consultation auprès des femmes vivant avec le VIH pour écouter leurs expériences et leurs priorités. Il s’agit d’une consultation communautaire développée par un groupe de travail composé de femmes vivant avec le VIH et provenant du monde entier, y compris des femmes trans. Vous êtes invitées à participer à cette enquête mondiale. Nous organiserons également un certain nombre de dialogues communautaires en tête-à-tête et des entretiens en profondeur. Votre participation nous sera de grande aide.
L’enquête contient une section à laquelle il est nécessaire de répondre et une autre qui est facultative et que vous êtes libres de compléter. Cela vous prendra environ 10 minutes pour compléter la section obligatoire et environ 30 minutes pour compléter les sections facultatives si vous choisissez de répondre à toutes. Les résultats de cette consultation serviront pour mettre à jour les lignes directrices de la OMS.
Pour participer à l’enquête en français, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant :
Ou vous pourriez reçevoir une version Word et la renvoyer à luisa dot orza at gmail dot com une fois complétée. (Ou vous pouvez l’accéder ici.)
L’enquête durera jusqu’au dimanche 8 juin 2014.
Un grand merci et toutes mes amitiés,

Luisa Orza

Au nom de Salamander Trust et de mes collègues
Si vous n’êtes pas une femme vivant avec le VIH mais souhaitez recevoir de plus amples informations sur la consultation, veuillez me contacter à luisa dot orza at gmail dot com
español (Пожалуйста, Русский текст смотрите ниже; para português, por favor veja abaixo; silahkan lihat dalam Bahasa Indonesia berikut ini; 中文,请看下面)
Queridas Amigas:
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) está actualizando sus Directrices 2006 sobre Salud Sexual y Reproductiva y Derechos Humanos de las mujeres viviendo con VIH (ver
Salamander Trust ha puesto en marcha una consulta entre mujeres viviendo con VIH para conocer mejor nuestras experiencias y prioridades. Se trata de una consulta comunitaria elaborada por un Grupo de Trabajo de mujeres con VIH de todo el mundo, incluyendo mujeres transexuales, y las invitamos a tomar parte respondiendo a esta encuesta a nivel global. También tendrán lugar varios diálogos comunitarios presenciales y entrevistas en profundidad. Su participación será de gran utilidad.
La encuesta consta de una sección obligatoria y una sección opcional, de forma que de ustedes depende qué quieren compartir. Se tardan unos 10 minutos en completar la sección obligatoria y unos 30 minutos más si deciden responder a todas las preguntas opcionales. Los resultados de la consulta se incluirán en la actualización de las Directrices de la OMS.
Si desean tomar parte en la encuesta en su versión Española pueden hacerlo haciendo click en este enlace:
O podria recebir y utilizar la versión Word, devolviéndola cumplimentada a luisa dot orza at gmail dot com (o también puede descargarla aqui)
El plazo de recepción de formularios estará abierto hasta el domingo 8 de junio de 2014.
Con todo nuestro agradecimiento y los mejores deseos
Luisa Orza

En nombre de Salamander Trust y sus asociadas.
Si no es usted una mujer viviendo con VIH pero desea tener más información sobre la consulta, puede contactar conmigo en luisa dot orza at gmail dot com


Русский (para português, por favor veja abaixo; silahkan lihat dalam Bahasa Indonesia berikut ini; 中文,请看下面)

Дорогие Подруги!
Всемирная организация здравоохранения обновляет своё руководство по Сексуальному и репродуктивному здоровью и правам человека женщин, живущих с ВИЧ (можно посмотреть здесь:
Salamander Trust проводит консультации среди женщин, живущих с ВИЧ, чтобы услышать наш опыт и приоритеты. Это консультация сообщества, разработанная рабочей группой женщин, живущих с ВИЧ, со всего мира, включая трансгендерных женщин. Мы приглашаем тебя принять участие в этом глобальном опросе. Также будет проведен ряд небольших очных диалогов на уровне сообщества и глубинных интервью. Твоё участие поможет.

Опрос имеет обязательную и необязательную часть. Это на ваше усмотрение, как заполнять опрос; обязательный блок занимает 10 минут, а необязательные вопросы займут 30 минут, если вы выбрали их. Данные, полученные во время консультации, будут использованы для обновления руководства ВОЗ.
Чтобы принять участие в Русскоязычной версии опроса, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке:
Или используйте прикрепленную версию Word, и отправьте ее по адресу luisa точка orza собачка gmail точка com

Версия Word доступна здесь для тех, у кого ограниченный доступ к Интернету
Опрос проводится до пятницы, 8 june 2014 года

Большое спасибо и саме лучшие пожелания,
Луиза Орза
От имени Salamander Trust и коллег

Если Вы не женщина, живущая с ВИЧ, но хотите больше информации о консультации, пожалуйста, связывайтесь со мной по адресу luisa точка orza собачка gmail точка com


português (silahkan lihat dalam Bahasa Indonesia berikut ini; 中文,请看下面)

Caras Amigas

A Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) encontra-se a atualizar as suas Diretivas em Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva e Direitos Humanos das mulheres que vivem com VIH (Ver:

A organização Salamander Trust pretende consultar as mulheres que vivem com VIH para conhecer as nossas experiências e prioridades. Esta é uma consulta à comunidade, desenvolvida com um Grupo de Trabalho de mulheres que vivem com VIH em todo o mundo, incluindo as mulheres transsexuais, e convidamo-la a participar nesta pesquisa global. Também terão lugar vários diálogos comunitários presenciais e entrevistas aprofundadas. A sua participação é bastante importante e útil.

O questionário apresenta uma parte obrigatória e uma opcional e cabe-lhe a si determinar o quanto completa. A parte obrigatória requer cerca de 10 minutos, e as perguntas opcionais demoram cerca de 30 minutos, se optar por responder a todas as perguntas. Os resultados da consulta serão integrados nas Diretivas atualizadas da OMS.

Para participar na versão Portuguesa do questionário, por favor clique em:

O podem usar a versão em word ao clicar aqui ou contactar a luisa dot orza at gmail dot com

O questionário decorre até sexta-feira 8 de junio de 2014.

Com os maiores agradecimentos e cordiais cumprimentos
Luisa Orza
Em nome da Salamander Trust e colegas

Se não é uma mulher a viver com o VIH mas gostaria de obter mais informação, por favor contate-me em luisa dot orza at gmail dot com


Bahasa Indonesia (中文,请看下面)


Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) sedang memperbarui Pedoman mengenai Hak Kesehatan Seksual dan Reproduktif bagi Perempuan dengan HIV (Silahkan lihat :

Salamander Trust adalah konsultan bagi Perempuan dengan HIV sebagai penghubung untuk mendengarkan pengalaman dan prioritas kita. Ini merupakan konsultasi komunitas yang dikembangkan dengan Kelompok Kerja Perempuan dengan HIV dari seluruh dunia termasuk perempuan trans. Kami mengundang Anda semua untuk berpartisipasi dalam survey global ini. Kemudian selanjutnya akan terdapat dialog kecil tatap muka dengan komunitas dan interview mendalam. Partisipasi Anda akan sangat berguna.

Terdapat dua bagian dalam survei ini yang wajib diisi dan menjadi pilihan saja. Tidak ada paksaan pada Anda untuk melengkapinya, bagian yang wajib diisi akan membutuhkan kira-kira 10 menit dan pertanyaan pilihan akan membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 30 menit jika Anda memilih untuk menjawab semuanya. Temuan dari konsultasi ini akan menjadi masukan untuk perbaruan Pedoman WHO.

Untuk melihat survey dalam versi Bahasa Indonesia silahkan klik link berikut :

Atau menggunakan versi Word yang terlampir dan mengirimkannya kembali pada luisa dot orza at gmail dot com

Survei akan berlangsung hingga 8th June 2014.

Terima kasih banyak,

Luisa Orza

Atas nama Salamander Trust dan rekan

Jika Anda bukan Perempuan dengan HIV dan ingin informasi lebih lanjut mengenai konsultasi ini, silahkan menghubungi saya di luisa dot orza at gmail dot com


“蝾螈信托“(Salamander Trust) 正在咨询女性艾滋病病毒携带者,收集我们的经验和优先考虑的事宜。这是一次社区咨询调查,咨询调查由一个来自全世界的女性艾滋病病毒携带者们组成的工作组 开发,包括跨性别女性。我们邀请您参与此次全球咨询调查,咨询调查也包括一小部分面对面的社区咨询会以及深入访谈。您的参与将对次有所帮助。

Or: word version here
Luisa Orza


luisa dot orza @ gmail dot com